Saturday, December 18, 2010

Release Party Wrap-Up and WINNERS!

This party has been a blast and I thank you all for your grats, best wishes, support, participation...for everything. It wouldn't have been a success without each of you. Your enthusiasm with the giveaways, comments, chats and reviews brings tears to my eyes, and it also gives me an energy I've never experienced that will take me into my next writing project. Thanks to you all, I can't wait to get going on it again.

I have a few more tour stops to announce because I really don't want you to miss them. WARNING: Do not drink while reading the first two. I've been told that you will spew it all over your screen if you do.

Now onto winners!!! WOOT!!!!

Winner of Elizabeth Isaacs' Light of Asteria is....drumroll...
Danielle Gorman!!!

Winner of a signed print copy of Purpose for helping us take on Amazon and buying the Kindle version is...drumroll...
Peggy F!!!

And the Grand Prize!! A Florida beach bag with all you need to bring the beach into your living room to warm up your winter (except for the sand because it's just annoying) - signed copies of Promise & Purpose for beach-at-home reading, a towel, flip-flops, Soul Savers series swag, Purple with a Purpose OPI nail polish, Florida souvenirs and more!

And the Grand Prize winner is...




Congratulations to all the winners today and throughout the party***. Don't forget that many of the blog tour stops also have copies of Purpose to give away.

Today is the last day to enter the Promise and Purpose Cover Re-make Contest! Voting starts tomorrow!

***Winners, please email me at kristie (at) kristiecook (dot) com to claim your prize.


  1. Gratz to all the winners! So glad that Purpose is out.... I've been waiting for it!

    And a big WhooHoo to the author!

  2. Congrats to the winners! And yay for Purpose being out!

  3. Yay! I never win these things. I'm so happy to get Purpose!!!! Thank you Kristie!


Glad you stopped by. Nothing to say? Just say "hi" so I know you were here.