Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

The creatively titled "Book 3" is coming along beautifully. I just wish I had more hours in the day to write. First draft should be done soon, though, and then it's on to planning and writing a novella. Planning? you ask. Yes, planning. I know, I'm supposed to be a pantser, but I think I've switched teams. We'll see. A blog post  about that is coming tomorrow on my other blog.

For Teaser Tuesday, here's a little rough-draft snippet:

We stood back-to-back, our knees bent in fighting stance, palms held out. My heart thrummed erratically as the adrenaline—and lingering electricity—shot through my veins. Hundreds of beats thundered in my chest as we waited…and waited. When the two vampires didn’t appear, the air imprisoned in my lungs finally released with a whoosh. I leaned forward with my palms on my knees, panting, trying to slow everything down to a normal rhythm.

“That was fun!” he said, stepping in front of me. I looked up at him and lifted an eyebrow. A wide grin filled his face. He meant it. “Come on, you weren’t really scared of those two, were you? They’re not a real threat.”

“She wants to kill me. That’s a real threat in my book.”
“She missed her opportunity. You’re too strong for her now. I think you could have fried all of us and still been left standing.”


  1. I love the exerpt! I can't wait to read this one! Welcome to the dark side of outlining. Its tough but results in less editing!

  2. Great excerpt! I know how you feel - there never seem to be enough hours in the day, do there?

  3. just read this. do i get to beta read? hmmm? hint, hint.


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