Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

It's late, so a quick idea of what Alexis is going through right now in the first draft of the fabulously titled, "Book 3."

And what's coming next...

Two of these happen to be the same...er...person, if that's what you call it.



    Australia? ;D

    This is definitely a tease! I want more pictures. :)

  2. That 3rd picture is so creepy. It makes me love you even more. Hmmm..now i am super intriqued. I dont scare easily but that could scare the hell out of me Kristie!

  3. Good guess, Ashelynn!! You win brownies. :) I really think I need to make a research trip to Australia so I can get this next part right. All in the interest of the book, of course.

  4. Mindy, there are all kinds of "creatures" in my books and yes, some of them are quite scary.


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