Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Books for Boobs

Yeah, you read that right. Here's the scoop:

Get in the Shower With an Author Book Signing
Thursday, February 10, 2011
6 - 8 p.m.
Mr. Shower Door
13500 Tamiami Trail
Naples, FL

I will be in one of the showers in their showroom signing books. And it's all for a good cause - Team Ta Ta Trotters and the fight against breast cancer! We'll have both Promise and Purpose available for purchase, as well as Special Edition Soul Savers T-Shirts.

Buy a book for $15.99, we'll donate $2.

Buy both books for $31.98, get a free T-shirt and we'll donate $5.

Buy a T-shirt for $15, we'll donate $5.

Can't come? Order books and shirts at www.ReadOurWrites.com/shop now through February 28, 2011, and we'll make the same donations.

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Glad you stopped by. Nothing to say? Just say "hi" so I know you were here.