Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Week of Thanks Giving - Writer Wednesday Edition

This week, in preparation for Thanksgiving tomorrow, I've been sharing something each day that I'm thankful for. Today, I want to give thanks for my gift as a writer. It's difficult for me to say "talent" or even "ability," because those seem to require quantifying, which I can't do. But I can say that I've been given a gift. That writing is the thing God has given me to contribute to this world.

It's something I enjoy doing and others are willing to pay me to do, whether with money (so I can pay my bills) or with appreciation and gratitude because they couldn't put the words down themselves (what I do for those who need such help). And now I'm actually able to make a living from it that not only supports my family and me, but also my business partner and her family. I couldn't be more blessed to do something I love and be able to make a career out of it.

Even if I earned nothing from it, though, I would still appreciate this gift because it gives me such pleasure to do it and share it with others. Of course, my audience would be limited to friends and family if that were the case, but the people I can help - those who want to learn how to write, whether a simple letter to a friend or their first novel - goes beyond my immediate contacts.

This is why I'm trying to share more about my lessons as a writer on my other blog, A Mused Writer. Which brings us to Writer Wednesday. I am so grateful for my other writers and the writing community at large. When I was a resume writer, we all talked about how friendly the community was. Resume writers didn't consider each other competition, but comrades. I realize now that it's a common characteristic of all types of writers. We want to help each other, and so many go out of their way to support others. I'm so thankful for writers!

In that spirit, today's post over on A Mused Writer is about writers and their rules and which ones you absolutely, positively should never, ever in a million years break. Or if you're going to, you better be able to explain it. And I'm not talking about grammar rules. I hope it helps other writers, especially new ones. One little way for me to give back for all the help other writers have given me.

I won't be here tomorrow and I hope you won't be either. I hope you'll be spending your Thanksgiving Day with family, as I will be. So... may you and yours have a very


And if you're not in the U.S., I don't see why that should stop you from giving thanks, spending time with family and eating copious amounts of delicious food.

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful and I couldn't agree more. It is a gift because it's such a pleasure, regardless of the outcome. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Glad you stopped by. Nothing to say? Just say "hi" so I know you were here.