Friday, April 8, 2011

Five for Friday

It's been ages since I've done a Five for Friday, so here we go! I've been thinking a lot lately about traveling. I've been feeling so antsy and realized why. It's been three years since I've been on an airplane and, actually, almost three years since I've left the state of Florida. I started flying in planes by myself at the age of 5 and have traveled nearly every year since.So this is kind of a big deal.

Now, I've been to Tampa, Orlando, Daytona, Miami and the Keys (some multiple times), but I haven't done any real traveling in Way. Too. Long. I'm overdue.

When we can't go, we can always day-dream. So today's Five for Friday is...

I wish I were in...
  1. L.A. for RT Convention - RIGHT NOW
  2. NYC in May for BEA
  3. A cabin on a cruise liner getting ready for dinner or an excursion
  4. Tuscany, Italy, just because
  5. Greece, not only because I've wanted to go there since I was about 9 years old, but also because I need it for both stories I'm working on right now.

So day-dream along with me and finish the sentence: "I wish I were in _______"

*For writers: talking about loving the little guy over on the other blog


  1. Good topic for Friday!
    I whish for you that you can visit both Italy and Greece. I have been to both of these countries and I adore their nature, culture, history and last but not least people!!!
    I have never been to US though.

    I wish I were in:
    1. Egypt. I just came from there from vacation and I would LOVE to go back there. And I know I will.
    2. At the world's biggest book exhibition!
    3. Portugal, Algarve coast
    4. On route 66 in US driving a cabriolet :)
    5. Nepal in a spiritual exploration trip.

  2. 1. Greece - I want to take my mother there some day. Her great grandfather came over to the US from Greece.
    2. Belize - stepdad mentioned it and I'd like to see what a rainforest is like.
    3. World Fantasy Con - it's in LA but not till August, and they sold out.
    4. On my own - can't wait to support myself and not live at my parent's house.
    5. Prague - my uncle said I should go there cause of the art.
    6. China - I want to see the terra cotta army. (one extra but that's okay)


  3. I wish I were in
    1. paris - the city of love :>
    2. italy - milan, verona, rome and a lot more!
    3. greece - Santorini!
    4. egypt - since i was a kid i wanted to go here.
    5. at an event w/ lots of YA authors - that would be the best day of my life! :))

  4. I wish I was in my snuggly chair, in my snuggly slippers, with my snuggie, reading, Soul Savers book 3 :) :) :)


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