Friday, January 7, 2011

So Much for That!

A New Year re-energizes me to focus on priorities, create new habits and try new things. After the chaos of the holidays and the wind-down of the "in-between week" (12/26-1/1), I'm ready to jump back on my horse and take off, either at a gallop on my current path or trotting down a new one...or both.

As I do in the in-between week, I evaluated 2010 and made new plans for 2011. So far,'s been a pretty big bust. Already. It's too soon to call it a fail but, lovelies, it's nowhere near success. Take my blogs, for example. It's the end of the first week of the year and I'm just now making my first posts! Sheesh.

I thought I had a new schedule/routine all worked out that would allocate my time well between my other business, the publishing business, promoting my books and writing. One week in and I've barely accomplished a thing in any of those places. I did find some great articles on social media and I took care of my day-job clients, but I haven't actually used those awesome social media ideas, do any book promoting or write a single word.

And, I realized, I didn't make time for blogging. At all. Whoops!!! Big, major screw-up on my part.

So, it's back to the drawing board to re-figure my schedule. Hopefully I get it figured out. I guess we'll know this time next week, because if I get more than one post up, it's a win!

Anyway, a long-about way to say I miss you, lovelies!! I hope you've had a good week and have an awesome weekend!


  1. LOL! I know how you feel. The balancing act can be so tough that at times we forget to include things. Don't worry, I know you'll find a way!

  2. Thanks, Heather! Starting with a new plan this week. Wonder what I forgot this time?


Glad you stopped by. Nothing to say? Just say "hi" so I know you were here.