Saturday, September 18, 2010

Five for Friday

Yeah, yeah, I know. It's Saturday. I was in meetings all day yesterday, though, and then had a ton of emails to catch up on. But I didn't want to miss this post completely.

As I posted on Tuesday, this past week was Book Blogger Appreciation Week. Besides Confessions of a Bookaholic, here are 5 more fantastic book blogging sites you should follow (in no particular order):

Okay, I can't leave it at five! More:

There are so many more, but every time I go check them out to get the link, I keep getting pulled into the sites to see what they have to say this week. At this rate, I'll never get this posted. So we'll leave it at 10 for this Saturday.

But, please, feel free to share your favorite book bloggers in the comments. I'd love to find more!


  1. Hey Kristie--thanks for the links. I'll check some of those out.

  2. Your two sweet! :) Love your site and more importantly your book :D

  3. ooo- more book sites, thanks for posting

  4. A great list of 10. ;-)

    Some of those I already follow but there are a few on there I hadn't heard about before now. Will have to check them out.


Glad you stopped by. Nothing to say? Just say "hi" so I know you were here.